HYCC Classes
26+2 Yoga — 26+2 Yoga is 26 postures with 2 breathing exercises, in a heated room, designed to systematically work every part of your body, to give all your organs, ligaments, and muscles what they need to maintain optimum health and maximum function. Each posture stretches or compresses a different part of your body; the postures all work together contributing to the overall benefits. Because the class is the same postures every time it's easy to watch your progression and feel the changes in what you are doing.
Hot Pilates — A challenging, full body, low-impact 60-minute workout that combines classic High-Intensity Interval Training with Pilates principles. Designed for all fitness levels, Hot Pilates helps to tone, strengthen, and build lean muscle without overloading your joints. Held in a heated room, the class is set to fast-paced music, making it fun and energizing.
Yin Yoga — Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and joints of your body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of yoga. Yin Yoga is a great complement to the dynamic and muscular styles of yoga, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga primarily targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.